Monday, March 10, 2014

Anyone got a heat lamp we can borrow ?

It started out so innocently...a project seen on Pinterest, science and fun all rolled into one....and then we went shopping!

I'll set the scene for you, the pet store is next to the Natural Grocer store which was our ultimate destination but when a cute boy bats his eyelashes you agree to the pet store first...we cruised by the rats, birds, fish, watched doggy daycare and then he batted his eyes again and we went to see the cats...

I've recently developed a mild cat allergy, no biggie unless there's 15 of them in an 4x10 room and then's a biggie! I lasted about 3 minutes and came out looking I had a serious drug habit, eyes watering, nose running, rubbing my nose like a crazy get the picture!

And off to the Natural Grocer we went, the Natural Grocer in Colorado...a state where certain things that are illegal elsewhere might just be legal!  I'd now started itching all over my face...of course I couldn't find what I needed so had to ask for help....this is how that went down!

Me - Hi, can you tell me where I can find wheat grass seeds ?
Guy - Sure, follow me, what are you growing them for ?
Finn - We're growing weed grass...
Guy - ?????
Me - Wheat, honey, not weed (itching nose like a maniac)
Finn - I said that, we're growing WEEEEEEEEED grass...
Guy - ????????
Me - It's called wheat grass not weed, that's something else and we're not growing it....(scratch, itch, sniff)
Finn - a POT...
Me - Wheat grass and we are growing it IN A POT....(scratching face off)
Guy (now looking at the scene in front of him very suspiciously) - Here it much do you need ?
Finn - We need a lot, we're growing weed grass for a project....
Me - (ready to be cuffed and taken to jail) Just one packet please.....
Guy - Can I help you with anything else ?
Finn - I want a snack do you have chips Momma can I have chips I need a snack I'm hungry Momma can I get a snack ?

We politely ditch the guy and head in search of snacks.....of course the guy then gets moved from helping crazies to being the only freakin' register open...

Finn - Momma, do you have the pot ?
Me - (smiling weakly, scratching like a lunatic, muttering something about don't you just love kids) What pot ?
Finn - The pot for the weed grass....

We made it home without being busted for anything and got to work on project "lets grow WHEAT grass in cute containers to nestle Easter eggs in to look pretty" 

Waiting....I told him it grew fast....big mistake!
(Yes he's wearing a collared shirt and dino pj pants....I don't ask anymore)

And then Cal & Mai arrived home...

Finn - Look what we did, we're growing wheat ? (YES!!!)
Cal - Been playing a little too much Minecraft ? (Evidently they grow wheat in minecraft...)
Mai - WHAT ? Did he say you're growing weed ?
Me- O.M.G. WHEAT people....WHEAT!
Mai - Jeez...ok!

So to clarify....we are NOT growing weed, grass or pot...there is nobody or nothing going by the name Mary Jane in my house, nor is Aunt Mary visiting...

Since then our wheat has flourished, Finn likes to wake me at 7am to tell me how much it grew overnight..

I won't lie when I say I'm a smidge concerned by conversations he may be having with his teachers regarding this project...

Parent teacher conferences are next week...I'm sure no matter what it will be interesting..

Seriously it grew 1/4" in 4hrs!

So if you're thinking this looks like a fun kid is...I just suggest going alone to buy those seeds!

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