Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I'm going to add stressful....

Yesterday was my first physical therapist appointment to try and fix my back and shoulder.....my backs been out of whack for yrs (like 20), the shoulder is a new addition to keep things interesting...

(We laugh in the face of car stress)

After filling out about 300 forms the PT poked, prodded and massaged & then watched me walk, I declined to mention this was the most action I'd had in a couple of yrs, she was young, I didn't want to scare her or provoke her to hurt me more than she probably will in the coming weeks.......

(Stuck on a log!)

She went over my medical history & then wrote down some notes, then asked about home life, I told her I was a single Mom, currently not working, had 3 kids....her notes read:

Single mother
3 children

(Why would I ever be stressed?)

She panicked when she saw me reading it "Oh...I'm sorry, I just assumed" "No problem, you assumed correctly" I assured her..

(Stress ? Don't all bathrooms look like this ?)

I guess if she ever reads this she'll get a glimpse of some of the stress being a Mom of 3 brings, single parenthood brings an entirely new dimension of stress which I try and ignore but sometimes it's loud & ugly....

(Markers....aka face paint!)

My little brood of stress inducers seem to thrive on crazy, we do it very well, it's something we're quite proud of..

(Shock therapy stress you out ?)

Alas the PT seems to think stress could be contributing to my "crunchy" back....I'm not a medical professional but I'm pretty sure that when ones bones and muscles are described as crunchy that can't be an entirely good situation...

(Not stressful that she reenacts the last of the Mohicans scene on any & all treacherous ravines)

She asked me to tighten my core while she laid her hand on my stomach....after I stopped laughing, she asked me to do it again...."whenever you're ready" she said....I quietly mumbled that I was doing it but when you've had 3 c-sections with vertical incisions then those stomach muscles are really just flapping around in the wind, maybe they're crunchy, but they sure as heck aren't tightening! She sighed politely and whispered "we'll work on that"

(The sign says it all)

Evidently my right leg is stronger than the left so all kicking will be done with the left from now on, not that I kick or scream frequently....but if I do, it will be with my left leg!

The words core, strength and flexibility were thrown around a lot....I won't lie, I'm a smidge nervous! 
I will be at the torture chamber PT clinic 3 times a week for 5 weeks!!!!!!!!!
And Fridays will be with Tony, which I'm ok with but a look of fear crossed the face of the receptionist when she said "I can only fit you in with Tony on Friday....is that ok"...Be gentle Tony!

I told the kids I need to reduce my stress level in order to not be crunchy, they said ok....I think they were mocking me.

For now I have a giant X taped on my back, apparently when I slouch the tape pulls and reminds me to put my shoulders back and have good posture, it's not working so far, however it is itchy and trying to manoeuvre my shady shoulder to scratch it with a butter knife could possibly count as becoming more flexible so perhaps that was their plan to start with.....

And while they attempt to fix me, I will remain unstressed by children who have an odd obsession with Christmas cookies decorated to look like maimed animals

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