Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Anatomically correct states....

Finn is learning about States in preschool, it's VERY exciting....we've pulled out maps and state puzzles at home, he's coloring states at school, pointing them out in the giant map rug at the I said...VERY EXCITING!

He's getting better each day at naming them and knowing where they go, he's had Colorado, Virginia, Texas and California figured out for a while so we're working on the others...he's added the Seattle State to his list of ones he knows this week....he's a bit excited for the Superbowl!
Go Broncos!

So today after he had put in his mandatory 30 minutes temple run play time, he moved on to puzzles as I cleaned the kitchen....

Finn: Mooooooooooooooom
Me: Yes
Finn: Where does the penis state go ?
Me: Ummmmm....the what?
Me: Florida ???
Finn: No the one with the penis
Me: Well Florida looks a bit like a penis are you sure it's not that one ?
Finn: No it  doesn't look like a penis, there's a picture of a penis on it!
Me: (in my head) What freakin' puzzle did I buy my 4yr old that has a penis on it ??????
Finn: Mooooooooooooooooooooom...which one is it ?
Me: Can you bring it to show me...?
Finn: Ugh, fine.....mumble mumble Mom doesn't know the penis state....

And this is what he showed me....

The PEANUTS state....

We are now working on our pronunciation of peanuts so as to avoid any number of snack food awkward situations.....

I like my "peanuts" salty!.......Do you have jumbo "peanuts"?...... Lets open up a can of "peanuts"

You get the idea!


  1. HILARIOUS!!!! I like mine dry roasted.

    1. I'm not a fine of them dry, prefer the regular salted ones, they're a little moister....

  2. OMG I don't like PEANUTS!!!! but holy crap this made me laugh. Greysen asked me what was wrong. ha ha
