Monday, April 28, 2014

How to dress for "Spring" soccer....

While most of the country is enjoying Spring for reals, we're experiencing our first Colorado's like a giant game of chicken with Mother Nature vs Mothers wanting to wash and put away snow pants, scarves, mittens, boots, thermals....On Saturday there was a high of 73*, shorts, sunblock, walks around the was a high of 44* with a windchill of 36* which quite honestly was a freakin' was DAMN COLD!

I was reminded today of the classic Miss Congeniality quote...
Stan Fields: Miss Rhode Island, please describe your idea of a perfect date. 
Cheryl "Rhode Island": That's a tough one. I'd have to say April 25th. Because it's not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket.

If April 25th was the perfect date then April 28th was the perfect "HAHA thought it was Spring" date!!! I give poor boy at his soccer game!

Soccer version of the stay puft marshmallow man!

Overall it's been a pretty consistent breezy season with a few exceptions....

The sunny day where only a thermal undershirt was needed!

The blizzard day...that's Cal in goal back there!

So today we decided to give you a step by step guide on how to dress for Spring Soccer in Colorado!

Step 1....Thermal can skip this step if skies are blue, sun is shining, wind isn't blowing & game is starting immediately...if there is any length of time between getting dressed & game time, I do NOT recommend skipping this step..

Step 2....Sweatpants, shin guards,socks & cleats, sweatpants could be optional if your child has experienced Winter in CO and is somewhat acclimatized...check weather reports before deciding though, add or minus 20* to weather report & go from there.... 

Step 3...Shorts & fleece sweatshirt, if you have chosen to skip sweats OR thermal pants OR thermal shirt OR any combination of those...DO NOT skip this step under any circumstances!

Step 4....Extreme measure...usually enforced when it's already freakin' cold before you even leave the house. At this point your child will inevitably need to use the bathroom...even if they just went or you just asked them.

Step 5...Cram child into soccer jersey!

Step 6....Accessories! DO NOT FORGET GLOVES If you forget gloves then your child is GUARANTEED to ask to use yours, and you'll be faced with the dilemma of "oh my sweet boy is cold, I should give my gloves but if I do then perhaps my hands will freeze off!" 



~Sticky hand & feet warmers are your friend...BUY IN BULK!
~Choose a soccer team that practices near a drive thru that serves hot beverages!
~If the weather looks gorgeous, don't fall for it...pack all this stuff in your car.
~Camera.....herds of 5 yr olds swarming the ball in ridiculous amounts of clothing is funny!

Thank you to my sweet boy, who has only had to borrow gloves twice, never complains about the silly amount of clothes he's wearing even when his siblings laugh at how ridiculous he looks and most of all has only had to use the ice cave public bathrooms at the field once all season although the quote of the season is.....

"At Cals game tonite (the blizzard game) I had to pee but it was cold so I just went in my pants a little bit"

Good call sweet boy, good call.

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