Tuesday, April 15, 2014

"Hello Heidi, this is A&E's Hoarders calling"

Back in the Fall I had to get new tires, one of my tires was pretty new and I hated to have them just throw it away or pay for them to throw it away because seriously how hard is that to do that there needs to be a fee for it! So I brought it home with me....behold the power of Pinterest yet again.....

 I could make this cute seesaw....

I'm sure this would be easy to whip up!!!!

Alas...the tire sat in the garage for months, then it made its way to a spot next to the trash can but can you trash tires ? recycle them ? take it back to the tire store and say "Forgive me I'm a craft hoarder will you throw away my tire now please..."


You turn it into a chair!!!!!

Step one : Enlist the help of the soon to be lucky tire chair recipient to spray it with odor blocking primer.
(in my defense she was TOTALLY on board with this project)

Step 2 : Oh so carefully attach 4yards of thick batting to tire with spray on tacky glue making sure to avoid spraying hand then touching batting....we speak from experience over here!

Step 3 : Test it out, get stuck & have to be pulled out by yo Momma.

Step 4 : Thread the sewing machine needle for your weary eyed mother.

Step 5 : Cut 4 yards of cute fleece into strips and then sew them end to end to make giant strips....

Step 6 : Create the ultimate Colorado Winter scarf!!!!

Step 7 : Try & hula hoop with a tire.

Step 8 : Demonstrate the fabulousness of it all.

Step 9 : Lock your bedroom or cute little boys will sneak in when you're at school & read books in the nest, snuggled up with a matching pillow....

Up next...crafting with more crap we've got lying around the house....


  1. She loves it...though apparently it's not designed for sleep when your 5yr old brother has a sleepover in your room and hogs the bed!

  2. I know what I will be doing with my tires when I get them replaced next week :)

  3. How did you handle the end of the fabric when wrappi g aroi d the tire?
